About Yakitori (Japanese Chicken Kebabs)

Chicken tender

Has a soft, light flavour.

Japanese Name



Tenders are two located inside the chicken breast alongside the breast bone. They have a shape similar to a leaf.

  • Tenders are both high in proteins and low in calories, so are good for people on diets, elderly and sick people and baby food.
Yakitori memo
  • There is a hard muscle located in the centre of each tender, so remove this muscle before cooking.
  • Take care not to overheat as it will lose its water content and turn dry.
  • Tenders has one of the highest protein contents and lowest fat contents among all meat types.
Chicken tender
Energy (kcal)
Water Content (g)
Protein (g)
Fat (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Zinc (mg)

※Per 100g (actual measument)