About Yakitori (Japanese Chicken Kebabs)

Hatsu, Heart

Has a flavour increases in tenderness with every bite.

Japanese Name

Hatsu, Heart



  • Chicken hart has two distinct tastes: it is both soft and crunchy.
  • Chicken hearts contain a lot of folic acid which is good for anemia, and is also rich in Iron and Vitamin A
Yakitori memo
  • The Heart is one of the most popular parts among Japanese for its taste, texture and nutrition.
  • Also is a very valuable part as there is only one in each chicken, we need; three are deeded to make a skewer.
  • For those that doesn’t like liver, chicken heart is an excellent source of nutrients..
Chicken heart Nutrition Infomation
Energy (kcal)
Water Content (g)
Protein (g)
Fat (g)
Carbohydrate (g)
Calcium (mg)
Iron (mg)
Zinc (mg)

※Per 100g (actual measument)